The Nigerian National Pe­troleum Company (NNPC) Ltd. has assured the public that there is no imminent increase in the cost of pre­mium motor spirit (PMS), commonly known as pet­rol.

The national oil com­pany gave the assurance in a statement by Olufemi Soneye, Chief Corporate Communications Officer of NNPC Ltd.

NNPC Ltd. urges Nigeri­ans to disregard unfound­ed rumours and assures them that there are no plans for an upward review of the PMS price.

Motorists nationwide are advised against en­gaging in panic buying, as there is presently ample availability of PMS across the country.

This is coming on the heels of scarcity of PMS, reportedly said to have hit Lagos recently.

According to reports, motorists seeking to buy PMS on Wednesday in Lagos, were met with un­precedented number of fuel stations refusing to sell fuel and long queues at the premises of the few fuel stations selling.