Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted that no court or enemy can stop his country from achieving its aim of destroying Hamas.

Netanyahu said this as Israel marked 100 days of its war with Hamas following the October 7, 2023 attack by the militant group on Israel.

This comes a couple of days after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague began public hearings in South Africa’s genocide case against Israel.

The hearings began on Thursday.

South Africa filed its on December 29, accusing Israel of genocide and violation of the UN Genocide Convention with its actions in the Gaza Strip since October 7.

However, Netanyahu on Saturday evening at the Kirya in Tel Aviv, said, “Today, we mark 100 days of the war, 100 days since the terrible day on which our citizens were massacred and taken hostage. We are continuing the war until the end – until total victory, until we achieve all of our goals: Eliminating Hamas, returning all of our hostages and ensuring that Gaza will never again constitute a threat to Israel.

“We will restore security to both the south and the north. Nobody will stop us – not The Hague, not the axis of evil and not anybody else. The hypocritical onslaught at The Hague against the state of the Jews that arose from the ashes of the Holocaust, at the behest of those who came to perpetrate another Holocaust against the Jews – is a moral low point in the history of nations.

“In the murder tunnels of Gaza, our forces have found copies of Hitler’s Mein Kampf. In a home in Gaza, they found a child’s tablet with a picture of Hitler as the screensaver. Not for nothing did German Chancellor Scholz, after viewing the atrocities of the October 7 massacre, say: ‘Hamas are the new Nazis.’

“Yesterday, I spoke with Chancellor Scholz and I thanked him for Germany’s willingness to send a delegation to The Hague to help refute this despicable lie. But see the depth of the absurdity and the hypocrisy: Supporters of the new Nazis dare to accuse us of genocide. Who do they support? Murderers, rapists, those who decapitate and those who burn babies?! What brazen gall. What a disgrace.

“The State of Israel, the IDF and our security services are fighting a moral and just war that is without parallel, against the Hamas monsters, the new Nazis. This international campaign of denigration will not weaken either our hand or our determination to fight until the end, because something has changed in the history of our people.

“The antisemitism is the same antisemitism but the status of the Jewish people has fundamentally changed. Because today we have a state. Today we have defense forces and heroic soldiers to protect our people. What happened on October 7 will not happen again. This is our mission. This is our obligation.”

He said more money will be allocated to prosecute the war.

“Tomorrow we will submit a budget that will ensure the continuation of the war: More money – a lot more – for security.

“More compensation and grants for reservists, families, the self-employed and for all who are bearing the burden. More assistance to return evacuees to their homes and for rebuilding the communities and the kibbutzim,” he said.

He said the war is against the axis of evil led by Iran, adding that Israel will prevent the country from attaining nuclear weapons.

He said, “Several days ago, I met with Secretary of State Blinken. I thanked him for the American assistance and I emphasized to him: We embarked on this war after we were massacred. We are not stopping. We are continuing until we eliminate Hamas and return our hostages. I told him something else: This is not just our war – it is also your war. This is the war of the sons of light against the sons of darkness.

“This is a war against the axis of evil led by Iran and its three proxies: Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis.

“And I added – I do not forget, not even for a moment, that in addition to the war in Gaza, in addition to the return of our hostages and the return of the residents to their homes in both the north and the south, we have another, constant, existential mission – to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons. This is my mission. This is our mission. I told Secretary of State Blinken: ‘This needs to be your highest mission too.’”

“As is written in this week’s Haftarah: ‘then shall they dwell in their own land which I gave to My servant Jacob; and they shall dwell safely therein, and shall build houses, and plant vineyards.’ [Ezekiel 28:25-26].

“Together we will fight, and with G-d’s help – together we will win,” he said.
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