An apple farmer, an airline caterer and an out-of-work graduate are among the Indian nationals hired by Moscow, with the help of recruiters around the world, for the Russian army in Ukraine.

Two years into the war tens of thousands of Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine, and Moscow is on a global quest for more combatants, sometimes with the assistance — complicit or oblivious — of informal intermediaries.

An Indian translator working in a military recruitment centre in Moscow told AFP journalists in New Delhi that his facility was one of a network across Russia.

“Every major city has a recruitment centre where foreign nationals are processed,” he said.

He had personally overseen the enlistment of between 70 and 100 Indian citizens, he said, adding that the number of Nepali hires was significantly higher.

“Only last week, 10 Indians came to my centre,” said the man, who asked for anonymity for fear of reprisals for speaking to the media.

Some Indian recruits told AFP they were promised non-combatant roles, but they were trained to use Kalashnikov assault rifles and other weapons before being sent to Ukraine.

And a Russian-language defence ministry contract seen by AFP refers to “military service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation”, with a requirement to “participate in hostilities” and “serve the Russian people without limit”.

India is a longstanding ally of Russia which has shied away from explicit condemnation of the invasion of Ukraine.

Analysts say Russian efforts to target recruits from India are just one facet of a global recruitment drive, alongside a vast campaign at home.

AFP spoke to five Indians recruited to join the Russian war effort, all of whom said they had responded to social media videos promoting jobs as “army helpers” for salaries of around $1,200 a month.

None had prior military experience.