By Michael Okon

As we navigate the complex landscape of politics, it’s refreshing to see leaders like Pastor Umo Eno who embody the spirit of unity and inclusivity. By embracing all tribes in his administration, he has demonstrated that we are all AkwaIbomites, united in our quest for progress and development. Pastor Umo Eno’s leadership is a powerful rebuke to the age-old tactic of divide and conquer, which has been used by the ruling class to keep the masses busy with hatred and division.

As Mouloud Benzadi aptly put it, “If you truly want to make World unity a reality, you must be prepared to sacrifice your tribal and nationalist loyalty, and embrace your global identity.” Pastor Umo Eno has done just that, and we should all follow his lead. By recognizing that we are all equals, with no tribe superior to the other in intelligence, productivity, or results, he has shown us that we can rise above the petty squabbles of tribalism and ethnicity.

Tribalism has long been used as a tool to divide and conquer, as Oliver Markus Malloy so eloquently stated: “The rich ruling class has used tribalism, a primitive caveman instinct, to their advantage since the beginning of time. They use it to divide and conquer us.” But we must not fall into this trap. Instead, we should recognize that tribalism is the root of all wars, as Oliver Markus Malloy also noted. We must rise above it and focus on our shared humanity.

As DON SANTO said, “Success is the best revenge. In spite of the obstacles we face, we can’t change the perception others have of us. All we can do is choose to live life and make the most of the one life we have.” Let us learn from Pastor Umo Eno’s example and strive for unity and inclusivity in our politics. Let us not fall prey to the pitfalls of tribalism and ethnicity, and instead embrace our shared identity as AkwaIbomites and global citizens.

We must be aware of the voices that instigate division and strife, as Oliver Markus Malloy warned. We must not let them succeed in driving wedges between us. Let us choose to live life and make the most of the one life we have, free from the shackles of tribalism and ethnicity. Let us embrace our global identity and work towards a united and prosperous future for all.

Thank you, Pastor Umo Eno, for showing us the way forward. May your example inspire others to follow in your footsteps and may we all learn to live in harmony, beyond tribalism and ethnicity. Let us remember, as DON SANTO said, “The moment you stop putting yourself in a box is the moment you actually become yourself.” Let us break free from the boxes of tribalism and ethnicity and become the united and prosperous people we were meant to be.

@Micheal Okon, is Associate Chartered Economist ACE, Public Affairs Analyst