By Emmanuel Nicholas

Having a heart of gold is when you think of others before yourself. And It’s majorly denying yourself to help others, give to others, and having good intentions for others than yourself.

The person with a heart of gold is nice, kind, caring, and an all-around good person. A heart of gold also means someone who is really honest and always well-intentioned. To have a heart of gold is to be extremely kind and helpful to others.

Heart of gold is also an idiomatic expression indicating that a person has a kind, generous and caring personality. Its meaning is rooted in traditional symbolism relating to the properties of gold.

It is sometimes used to indicate a contrast between a person’s appearance and behaviour by suggesting that the individual has a good heart underneath an exterior that suggests otherwise.

The first recorded use of the phrase occurred in a play from 1553, “Ralph Roister Doister.” This farce, regarded as the first comedy written in English, concerns the unsuccessful efforts of Ralph, a buffoon, to woo the beautiful Christian Constance. Among the other endearments Ralph bestowed on her was “my heart of gold”.

In its first use, the term clearly described a woman being praised for her excellent personality, as well as describing Ralph’s love for her.

In medieval symbolism, gold represented the pinnacle of luxury. Due to its rarity and value, it was considered the noblest of all metals and thought to represent positive qualities of the human spirit such as generosity, justice, and courage.

The symbolic value of gold can be seen in other expressions such as “golden age,” referring to a lost age of greatness, or “golden boy,” signifying a promising youngster. Like gold, the heart has played an important role in symbolism throughout history.

Medieval thinkers believed the heart to be the seat of emotion and passion. This symbolism permeates modern language in phrases such as “matters of the heart” or “to have a good heart”. By combining these two potent symbols, the phrase, “heart of gold” suggests a person with a kind, generous and noble personality.

The contrast with external appearance appears especially in phrases describing fictional characters. A particular type of leading man is commonly known as the “scoundrel with a heart of gold” while the “hooker with a heart of gold” is a well-worn literary troupe.

That was what Pastor Umo ENO has been doing from his teens, even though he was from a low background and did not have the opportunity to have a caring a father to grant his life the sponsorship through schools and day to day necessity of growing up.

His intellectualism in school and the child labour he was involved in to pay his fees, feed and also support his mother both with funds and farm work portrayed him as a child with a promising destiny, which has manifested today.

He helps out others; he goes out of his way to help out the homeless and those in dire poverty. I do not know of anyone so compassionate towards people as Umo ENO . It is sad to think his types are becoming rarer,

Just like a fine gold which is challenging to excavate by miners, so also is his kind. Most gold is found in mix properties, like sand, mud, stones, and clays which always enclave the gold, until all that is pulled off the gold, the beauty will not be revealed.

There are leaders with such attributes, within their virtues, there are many vices or damaging characters that always may start well and end deplorably. But Gov Umo ENO does not belong to this cadre of leaders.

He is compassionate about his people’s welfare, passionate about the development of his land.

Governor Umo Eno is addicted to goodness and above all, his desire to leave an indelible mark in the sands of time as the true father of the golden era of Akwa Ibom State, where there are good road, Seaport, industrialized, availability of jobs and adequate professionals, private sector-driven economy, Peace, unity and internationally accepted standard of living.

The Standard of living where one can eat three square meals, have means of transportation, and bee self-sufficient, self-independent.
Truly, the Governor of Akwa Ibom State is building an economy that will make head of families to be able to afford their children the three tiers of formal education.

Governor Umo ENO is a beautiful person with a heart of gold, surely his story deserves to be told, I’m proud of his deeds and free of conceit. One does not meet people like him often.

Umo ENO is more precious than any gem. He is more of a gift and honour to hold.

He is more cherished than a loved one’s’ touch. He is simple, honest, and trustworthy. . He is more valuable than anything else sold, so I never trade his heart of gold for any other invaluable thing.

The attributes of Umo ENO are More beautiful than the first snowflake, More serene than a simple, placid cool crystal clear lake and sweeter than anything you could be told.

I always feel awkward when I read or come across men who speak evil of this complete gentleman whose heart to help is selfless. He is not addicted to making himself rich through leadership,

But it uses leadership as a tool to change the deplorable standard of living of his people and while breaking records and writing his name in gold in the sands of time.

Umo Eno knows that when we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have rather chosen to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be gotten, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go

Generosity is giving more than you can. You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. Umo is not an ethnic bigot; he loves and cares for all. His testament as Governor is every day an inch to better a life or more.

You cannot go into the office with sorrow and return in the same mood, his smiles welcome you, his pockets sustain audience and send you home.

Many times, the ever ready-help giver governor Umo Eno has halted his entourage on the road to give help to the masses.
He once pased through Calabar –Itu Road and saw an elderly woman whose load was burdensome, he stopped and took the load off her, have her money order for medical care to be given to her immediately. .
. What a rare leader ! Umo Eno does empower the Youth and develop them to become great leaders, husbands, wives, and professionals

Having come from a low background, Umo knows the history of a helpless Child who wants to go to school. I mean the history of hardship with compassion.

He formulated the free education policy for both indigents and none indigents as long as you are a resident in Akwa Ibom State, though many border communities of other State have also left their schools in their States to school in Akwa Ibom to benefit from this gesture.

Governor Umo Eno wants to build 100 two-bedroom bungalows for the poor of the poorest across the State because He has observed that most houses inhabits by these lowest classes of people are not suited for animals, not to mention been occupied by humans.

Pastor Umo Eno should be researched and study as a course in the University, the Researchers, and Scientists should conduct an analytical sampling of characters of leaders in Nigeria.

The results will amaze the world that leaders with the heart of Gold like Pastor Umo Bassey Eno are very rare species in the world.