President Bola Tinubu has called for the support of the United States (U.S.) on Nigeria’s pursuit of a United Nations(UN) Security Council permanent seat and G-20 membership.
Tinubu made the call during bilateral talks with the U.S. Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, in Abuja yesterday.

Foreign Affairs Minister Yusuf Tuggar made the President’s request known during a joint press conference with Blinken.

Tuggar added that fruitful deliberations were held by Tinubu and the Secretary of State on Agriculture, food security, pharmaceuticals, security and Artificial Intelligence.

The minister said: “Today (yesterday), we’re happy and honoured to be receiving the United States Secretary of State. Blinken at the Presidential Villa here in Abuja. He met with His Excellency, President Tinubu, along with myself and a number of my colleague ministers and during the meeting, several issues were discussed on the bilateral nature as well as multilateral issues.”

Tinubu, according to Tuggar, emphasised that Nigeria being the largest economy in Africa deserved to represent the African voice on the UN Security Council following the fact that 60 percent of resolutions passed by the UNSC are Africa-related.

“It is also important to note that President Tinubu brought up the issue of Nigeria’s membership and participation in the G-20 as well as the United Nations Security Council”, he said.

The minister also disclosed that during the talks, decisions were made on other issues, including the Nigeria-US bi-national commission billed to hold March 11 and 13.
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